Episode 6: City of Berkeley (Part II): Why Equitable Black Berkeley?
Show Notes
Episode 6: City of Berkeley(Part II): Why Equitable Black Berkeley?
In this part two of our three-part interview with Mayor - Jesse Arreguín, Council Member of District 3 - Ben Bartlett, and Chief of Staff (to the Mayor) - Jaqueline McCormick we continue our conversation on how, as administrators of the City of Berkeley, they took up the challenge of equity in Berkeley's housing crisis by linking arms, brainstorming with local organizers, and thinking outside the box to lay the foundation on beginning to usher in new and equitable solutions to rooted wrongs in housing and development injustices. What is Equitable Black Berkeley (EBB)? What role will Bay Area Rapid Transit choose to play in EBB? What is the City leveraging?
City of Berkeley Webpages Relating to Housing:
Affordable Housing: https://berkeleyca.gov/community-recreation/affordable-housing-berkeley
Measure O: https://berkeleyca.gov/your-government/our-work/bond-revenue-measures/measure-o
Rent Board: https://rentboard.berkeleyca.gov/
Berkeley Housing Authority: https://bha.berkeleyca.gov/
Connect With City of Berkeley:
Website: https://berkeleyca.gov/
City Council Meetings: https://berkeleyca.gov/your-government/city-councilhttps://berkeleyca.gov/your-government/city-council
Connect With Our Guests:
Jesse Arregín - Mayor of Berkeley
Website: https://www.jessearreguin.com/about
Email: mayor@berkeleyca.gov
Phone: 510-981-7100
Ben Bartlett - Council member District 3 of Berkeley
Website: https://www.councilmemberbartlett.com/about
Email: bbartlett@berkeleyca.gov
Phone: (510) 981-7130
Jacqueline McCormick - Chief of Staff to the Mayor
Connect with Our Host: deb@healthyblackfam.org